Transforming Developer Experience: Attracting and Keeping Talent


Today, the saying “every company is a software company“, as coined by Satya Nadella, has never been more relevant. This transformation, driven by digitalisation across industries, places a significant emphasis on the Developer Experience (DevEx).

I read and discussed the Shift Magazine article “Developers experience burnout, but 70% of them code on weekends” over the holidays, referencing JetBrains’ “The State of Developer Ecosystem 2023” report, highlights that 73% of developers have experienced burnout, yet many continue to code for fun during weekends. The report, based on responses from over 26,000 developers globally, explores preferred languages, technologies, methodologies, and developer lifestyles. Key findings include developers’ preference for learning through documentation and APIs over formal courses, and the importance of job satisfaction factors like good hours and pay. The article emphasizes that developer productivity is linked to mental health, self-organization, and time management, particularly for those who have experienced burnout.

From my perspective, this boils down to poor DevEx. Contrary to popular belief, it is not the complexities of coding that most frequently overwhelm developers; rather, it is the administrative and organisational challenges that accompany their technical tasks. I want to discuss a few areas of improvement, with practical recommendations for change.

Addressing the Core Issues

The first key issue is overload of administrative tasks and agile rituals. Excessive time spent on non-coding activities lead to frustration and reduced coding productivity. 

Streamline agile processes such as daily stand-ups, retrospectives, and sprint planning. Setting strict time limits and clear agendas can significantly improve efficiency. Move away from rigid methodological adherence to agile frameworks and move towards processes that provide the most value to teams. Then, promote self-management, where teams are encouraged to take control of their workflows, tailoring ceremonies and processes to align with their unique needs while still meeting the organization’s broader goals.

Focus on reducing the meeting overload, and establish  ‘meeting-free’ periods, allows developers uninterrupted time for coding, thereby making the necessary meetings more productive and focused. If we really require a meeting, then ensure that a clear agenda is set and that the meeting is planned with enough forecasting that all participants have time to prepare for the meeting. Make sure that meeting notes are sent directly after meetings and that the sessions are recorded. Make sure that the experience for remote participants is optimised.

Documentation overload in software development can significantly burden teams. To address this, we can adopt documentation-as-code practises. Treat documentation like software code. This includes version control, peer reviews, and maintaining it in the same repositories as code. Markdown is a lightweight markup language that’s easy to write and read, streamlining the documentation process. We can then utilise tools that generate documentation directly from the codebase. This can also include using annotations in the code that can be extracted to create up-to-date documentation, such as formal blueprint templates with automated submission to central CMS repositories. Tools like Jira and Confluence can be integrated, so documentation updates are part of the automated development workflow. Finally, consider using AI tools like ChatGPT and OpenAI as these can assist in creating initial drafts of documentation, greatly reducing the initial effort required.

Addressing the burdens of compliance, security, and quality assurance in software development involves a strategic approach. Implementing ‘Shift Left‘ Practices: Integrate security and quality checks early in the development process to identify and rectify issues sooner, reducing later burdens. Use tools to automate compliance with standards and security checks within the CI/CD pipeline. Implement real-time monitoring tools for immediate feedback on code performance and compliance, and establish regular feedback loops for continuous improvement. Regularly train teams in the latest compliance standards and security best practices to ensure they are equipped to handle these challenges effectively.


The role of managers in fostering a culture of trust, transparency, and empowerment is critical in today’s software-centric business environment. As organizations increasingly recognize the value of excellent Developer Experience (DevEx) in attracting and retaining top talent, the managerial approach must evolve.

Build trust and transparency by encouraging open and honest communication. This involves not just sharing information, but also being receptive to feedback from the team. Demonstrate trustworthiness through actions. Managers should be transparent about decisions and the reasons behind them, setting a tone of openness.

Empower teams by delegating authority and decision-making power. This shows trust in their expertise and judgment, motivating teams to take ownership of their work. Ensure teams have the resources and tools they need to work effectively. This includes access to training, technology, and support.

Create room for innovationfostering a safe environment for experimentation, and create an environment where experimentation and risk-taking are safe and encouraged. Recognize that failure is a part of the innovation process. Allocate time and resources for team members to explore new ideas and solutions, separate from their regular workload.

 Promote a culture of continuous learning and improvement. Encourage teams to regularly review and refine their processes and skills. Implement constructive feedback loops where team members can learn from each other and from past projects.

And finally, encourage a healthy work-life balance. Recognize that overworking is counterproductive in the long term. Offer flexibility in working arrangements, such as remote work opportunities or implementing core hours, acknowledging that people have different productivity peaks and personal commitments.

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